Chartered Marketer - Application
How to Apply for the Chartered Marketer Program
Step 1
Check eligibility criteria and submit an application requestapplication request.
Step 2
Complete and submit the CM Application form to
Step 3
Provide payment information for the non-refundable application fee ($200)
Step 4
Request and submit a copy of your official academic transcript for your degree/diploma (and prerequisite course credit, if not the same as degree/diploma in cases of continuing education) Please note, you can submit your application ahead of your transcripts and still enroll in the Prep Course. Transcripts must be received before enrollment into Applied Marketing Core 1.
Step 2
Download Scorecard – You will need to download and complete the scorecard prior to beginning your application as you will be asked to upload it during the application process.
Step 3
Ensure that you have a detailed resumé that includes the details of your responsibilities at each role. It is important that the information you provide in the CM Scorecard is fully supported by the resumé submitted. You will be asked to upload your resumé once you begin your application.
Step 4
Download reference letter templates - arrange for 2 reference letters to be sent directly to CMA from your referees. Ensure you send each referee the appropriate reference letter template - Marketing Expertise and Marketing Leadership.
Step 5
Complete Ethics for Marketers course.
Once you have submitted your application, CMA will send you 2 confirmation emails:
1. Confirmation on application & fee received.*
2. Confirmation of transcript received & details on application status and next steps.
*Once payment for your application is received, you can be enrolled into the prep course. However, to move forward to Applied Marketing Core 1 (starting January 21, 2019), CMA must have your official transcript on file. See all program dates.
For additional program information and any questions please contact us.