Information for Consumers

Your rights and responsibilities as a Consumer


The CMA is pleased to provide information to help you better understand your rights and obligations as a consumer. For more information, click on the links above.

Our members adhere to the comprehensive Canadian Marketing Code of Ethics and Standards to ensure they maintain professional standards of honesty, truth, accuracy and fairness in their dealings with customers.

The CMA responds to consumer complaints and requests for information. You are welcome to connect with us about your concerns.


Get Less Print Mail
Reduce the number of personally addressed marketing offers you receive in the mail by signing up for the CMA Do Not Mail Service.

Shield Yourself From Fraud
Get information on the most common scams and how to recognize, report and protect yourself from fraud.

Identify Spam
Learn how to tell the difference between spam and legitimate email, and read tips on how to prevent spam.

Make a Complaint
Learn the steps you can take to have a complaint handled regarding a product or service.

Protect Your Personal Information
Understand your privacy rights, and how organizations are obligated to protect your personal information.

Opt Out of Online Ads
Learn more about online advertising, and your choice to opt-out.

Major Sponsors

  • Microsoft
  • Canada Post
  • CIBC-800x450
  • Scotiabank-800x450
  • TD-800x450
  • BMO-800x450
  • Environics Analytics